Chronicles of Merlin Wiki

Ogier the Dane1

Ogier the Dane is a Charlemagne kingdom prestige hero and requires 450,000 prestige to unlock.

Unit Type - War Elephant: High Block Chance. Gambit - Whirlwind: Attack the target and all targets in the same column and row.

Ogier the Dane is the second best Gambit hero among prestige heros in the game, only falling behind King Arthur by a small amount. But recent introduction of self boosting gambit heros like Hercules, Enkidu and Gilgamesh both Oiger and King Arthur have lost their importance.

He has the highest Tactic stat available to Charlemagne players and comes with a high bravery stat and acceptable magic stat.

Ogier the Dane is your primary attacker if you prefer to use gambit heroes. He will replace Florismart and is supported well by Charlemagne.
